
Flattenin' Your Mappenin'

In which our heroes create for themselves a convenience and discover a surprising thing.

Last time we looked at the incredible little map function, and saw how it could be used to simplify a lot of tedious for-loops while making our code more clear and less error-prone. This time, we’re going to see if we can solve a common problem that happens with mapping, nesting.

When we left our heroes

First, a very quick recap on mapping. We can use map to transform an array of elements into an new array of different elements. For example, we can transform an array of strings into an array of string lengths in a variety of syntaxes:

let domains = ["", "", ""]
let lengths = { countElements($0) }
let lengths = map(domains) { countElements($0) }
let lengths =
let lengths = map(domains, countElements)

Or we could transform an array of strings into an array of URLs:

let urls = { NSURL(scheme: "http", host: $0, path: "/") }

We learned that we can map optionals and our custom result type. In both cases, successful values (Some, Success) are transformed with the function, while failing values (None, nil, Failure) are simply returned. In this way, mapping is very similar to optional chaining (?.).

We discovered that the different map functions all have the same “shape”:

map(Array<T>, T -> U) -> Array<U>
map(Optional<T>, T -> U) -> Optional<U>
map(Result<T>, T -> U) -> Result<U>
// or more generally:
map(F<T>, T -> U) -> F<U>

Learning to see these shapes helps us find patterns we can reuse and combine.

For more introduction, see Functional Wish Fulfillment and Maps…Wait, They Don’t Love You Like I Love You.

Boxes in boxes

Let’s take a simple example to get ourselves started on a new problem. We have customers with some properties:

struct Customer {
  let name: String
  let emails: [String]

let customers = [
  Customer(name: "Alice", emails: [""]),
  Customer(name: "Bob", emails: ["", "bobby@home.example"])

Now we’d like a list of all our customer names for our upcoming report. Easy!

let names = { $ }
// ["Alice", "Bob"]

Perfect. Just what we want. Now, we also have had a major security issue and need to alert all of our users at all of their email addresses. Let’s grab those:

let emails = { $0.emails }
// [[""], ["", "bobby@home.example"]]

Wait. That’s not quite what we meant. We wanted a list of email addresses, not a list-of-lists of email addresses. What are we going to do now? I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve encountered this before and fixed it with some kind of “flatten” function that removes one layer of structure. It’s slightly surprising that Swift doesn’t have one of these built in, but it’s easy enough to make.1

func flatten<T>(array: [[T]]) -> [T] {
  var result = [T]()
  for subarray in array {
  return result

With that, let’s try again:

let flatEmails = flatten( { $0.emails })
// ["", "", "bobby@home.example"]

Great. Well, pretty great. There are a few small annoyances. Throwing flatten() on the start is kind of tedious, especially if this is part of a chain of maps and filters. Consider if we wanted these to be URLs. We’d want to do this:

let emails = { $0.emails }
  .flatten      // <== this isn't possible
  .map { NSURL(string:"mailto:\($0)") }

But that’s not really possible in Swift. You can’t easily add an Array extension for flatten because it only applies to arrays of arrays. Swift can’t apply extensions only to certain kinds of arrays. So we’re forced to do this:

let emails =
  flatten( { $0.emails })
  .map { NSURL(string:"mailto:\($0)") }

That’s kind of ugly, and gets worse if the chain is long and has multiple points where flattening is needed.

Like I said, this “map plus flatten” is pretty common, so maybe it’s worth making a little convenience method for it that we could stick on Array. Let’s call it flatMap:

extension Array {
  func flatMap<U>(transform: T -> [U]) -> [U] {
    return flatten(

Just like it says on the tin. Apply the map. Flatten. Ta-da! And now we can call:

let flatMapEmails = customers.flatMap { $0.emails }
// ["", "", "bobby@home.example"]

Just like we wanted.

Flat all the things

Since we can map optionals and Result, can we flatten them too? Let’s look at the shape of flatten and how it might apply:

flatten(Array<Array<T>>) -> Array<T>
flatten(Optional<Optional<T>>) -> Optional<T>
flatten(Result<Result<T>>) -> Result<T>

So we could flatten a T?? to T? or a Result<Result<T>> to Result<T>. That makes sense and sounds useful.

func flatten<T>(result: Result<Result<T>>) -> Result<T> {
  switch result {
  case .Success(let box):
    switch box.unbox {
    case .Success(let nestedBox): return .Success(nestedBox)
    case .Failure(let err):       return .Failure(err)
  case .Failure(let err): return .Failure(err)

And if we can map and flatten, then of course we can write flatMap:

extension Result {
  func flatMap<U>(transform: T -> Result<U>) -> Result<U> {
    return flatten(

What is this flatMap?

That was easy enough to do, but who cares? Why would you ever want to do that?

Let’s go back to the shape of this function. It’s a method, so we put the type of self as the first parameter to get a function form. That makes it easier to compare shapes:

flatMap(Result<T>, T -> Result<U>) -> Result<U>

That looks very familiar. Back in Functional Wish Fulfillment we developed a function called continueWith that let us chain together functions so that we’d get a success if they all succeeded, and a failure if any of them failed. Here’s what it looked like:

func continueWith<T,U>(x: Result<T>, f: T -> Result<U>) -> Result<U> {
  switch x {
  case .Success(let box): return f(box.unbox)
  case .Failure(let err): return .Failure(err)

Using that, we were able to turn our big, complicated JSON parser, full of conditional logic, into this:

func pagesFromData(data: NSData) -> Result<[Page]> {
  return continueWith(asJSON(data)) {     // data is NSData
    continueWith(asJSONArray($0)) {       // $0 is JSON (AnyObject)
      continueWith(secondElement($0)) {   // $0 is JSONArray ([AnyObject])
        continueWith(asStringList($0)) {  // $0 is JSON (AnyObject)
          asPages($0)                     // $0 is [String]
        } } } }                           // We return Result<[Page]>

Let’s compare the shapes of these functions:

     flatMap(Result<T>, T -> Result<U>) -> Result<U>
continueWith(Result<T>, T -> Result<U>) -> Result<U>

Look familiar?

In functional programming, when two generic functions have the same shape, you should have a strong suspicion that they are at least related. There may be some more basic function that they both derive from, or they may turn out to be the same thing.

I’m not going to bore you with the fairly trivial (if slightly tedious) proof that continueWith and flatMap are in fact the same function. You can work it out on your own if you’re interested, or see my version in this gist. But I will call out two facts: (1) they are the same function, and (2) it’s possible to prove it.

Proving the program

I am not going to wander into the “programming is math” debate. It’s a silly argument. What is important, and should be incontrovertible, is that functional programming makes it easier to use well-established tools that are common among mathematicians. One of those tools is the proof. We use proofs all the time, we just don’t call them that. Every correct automatic refactoring is based on a proof that the code before the refactor is identical to the code after the refactor.

An optimizing compiler in a strongly typed language is essentially a giant proof engine. When you get errors like “C is not convertible to Self,” it means you asserted something that the compiler couldn’t prove. It may mean that you asserted something that isn’t true, or it may mean that the proof engine isn’t powerful enough to prove it, or it may even mean that the language isn’t powerful enough to express what you are trying to assert.


Functional programming makes it is easier to apply proofs. In other words, it makes your code easier to refactor mechanically and easier to optimize performance. A key reason is the lack of mutable state. The more mutable state is tied up in something, the harder it is to prove that a dramatically different implementation behaves identically.

Test cases are not the same thing as a proof. I can’t create enough test cases to be certain that every number divisible by 6 is also divisible by 2 and 3. It’d take an infinite number of test cases. But if I prove it, I don’t need any tests at all. The key to making that easy is ensuring that isDivisibleBySix(n: Int) -> Bool relies on nothing but n. If there is no mutable state, if there are no side effects, if it’s just a function that takes a value and returns a value, then I can much more easily replace it with a different implementation and be confident it will behave the same.

I don’t want to wander down this road too far. I’m not arguing that we don’t need tests, and I’m not arguing for proof-of-correctness as a general practice. I’m saying that if you understand the difference between test and proof, and write your code in a way to favors proofs, you will get better code, fewer tests, simpler refactoring, and safer performance optimizations. And step one of that is the elimination of mutable state.

A method to our functional madness

OK, back to more hands-on, practical concerns.

We implemented continueWith as a function, but we implemented flatMap as an extension method on Result. Does that change anything? Here’s our function-based syntax:

func pagesFromData(data: NSData) -> Result<[Page]> {
  return continueWith(asJSON(data)) {     // data is NSData
    continueWith(asJSONArray($0)) {       // $0 is JSON (AnyObject)
      continueWith(secondElement($0)) {   // $0 is JSONArray ([AnyObject])
        continueWith(asStringList($0)) {  // $0 is JSON (AnyObject)
          asPages($0)                     // $0 is [String]
        } } } }                           // We return Result<[Page]>

Using a method approach, here’s what we get:

func pagesFromData(data: NSData) -> Result<[Page]> {
  return asJSON(data)

Yeah, that’s definitely easier to read, understand, and modify. Swift syntax tends to favor chaining methods over chaining functions. That’s somewhat unfortunate. Functions are easier to reason about (prove) because they don’t contain an implicit self that might hide state. Functions in Swift are also much more flexible in how they can be made generic (type-parameterized). As we saw before, it’s not possible to write flatten as a method on a generic type. Overuse of methods can get us into really frustrating situations if we want to write really reusable code.

But the syntax favors methods… mostly.

Swift offers a very powerful way to chain together functions: operators. Operators are just functions that allow some syntax benefits:

  • They don’t require parentheses
  • They can be prefix (!x), infix (x + y) or postfix (x++)

So what if we defined an operator for flatMap? We’ll call it >>== for reasons I’ll explain later.

infix operator >>== {}
func >>== <T,U>(x: Result<T>, f:T -> Result<U>) -> Result<U> {
  return x.flatMap(f)

With that, here’s our new parser:

func pagesFromData(data: NSData) -> Result<[Page]> {
  return asJSON(data)
    >>== asJSONArray
    >>== secondElement
    >>== asStringList
    >>== asPages

I think this reads very nicely, even nicer than the method version (though we can still improve it). Each line says “as long as it hasn’t failed, transform with….”

Using operators like this can be dangerous. It’s easy to wind up with obscure symbol soup. The key is finding a small number of highly reusable operators that are used consistently. There’s a cost to forcing people to learn and memorize your operator; make sure it’s going to be used often enough to be worth it.

That said, we all use operators every day, and they’re an important part of programming. There is no difference between + and >>== other than you learned one when you were a child. + is nothing more than an infix function:

infix operator + { associativity left precedence 140 }
func +(lhs: Float, rhs: Float) -> Float
func +(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Int

We could just as well use a function called add() to do the same thing, but instead everyone memorizes this arbitrary symbol because it’s easier to use. That’s important. There is nothing more meaningful about +, -, and * versus >>==. They’re just symbols you’ve memorized. I’m suggesting you should memorize one more. Well, several. But you’ll learn them over time just as you learned , , , and later than you learned + and -.

That doesn’t mean you should go crazy with operators. In fact, I generally suggest you avoid creating new ones until you’ve thought quite a lot about it and looked into how other languages solve similar problems. But as we go along, I’m going to introduce several general-purpose operators that will make your code clearer and easier to write when used appropriately.

A rose by any other name would be confusing

You might ask now what this function should be called. We started by calling it continueWith, but then it changed to flatMap, and then to >>==. I didn’t mention it here, but it’s also called Bind and >>=. Other Swift developers have called it »> and »=-. Its math name is a monadic bind. But what should we call it?

I believe Swift programmers should call the function flatMap (as in Scala) and should use >>== as the operator (derived from Haskell). The operator should be pronounced “bind” or colloquially “and then.” bind() and >>= are existing functions in Swift, and it’s dangerous to overload things with completely different meanings (I’m looking at you, C++ <<). I think the operator should preserve as much of the “shape” as possible from Haskell’s, and I think >>== does that best.2

That’s not really important, though. It’s just my suggestion, and others might reasonably disagree. The point is that before foisting a new operator on the world (or even your team), you should spend time looking at how other languages and other Swift developers have approached the same problem. Otherwise you cut yourself off from a lot of insight and you make it hard for others coming to your code. Maybe they won’t know Haskell or F# or Scala, but maybe they will. They definitely won’t know the operator you made up over lunch. Make sure it’s valuable enough to be worth teaching them.


Maps flat, maybe brains too

If you’ve gotten this far, you’ve come a long way. It’s a lot to take in. Let me sum up where we are in our parser:

func pagesFromData(data: NSData) -> Result<[Page]> {
  return asJSON(data)
    >>== asJSONArray
    >>== secondElement
    >>== asStringList
    >>== asPages

Given some data, convert it to JSON and then to a JSON array and then take the second element and then convert that to a string list and then convert those to a list of pages and return the result.

I think that captures our algorithm about as clearly as we can. Compare it to the original version. It handles errors without littering our code with error handling or requiring exceptions. It’s compact, but not dense. It’s easy to modify or extend. And each of the individual functions is about as simple as it could be and easy to unit test (or so simple that it literally can’t be wrong). There’s still more work to make it generic. Things like secondElement obviously don’t scale, and we’ll work on that in future posts. But the basic structure is quite nice I think.

Until then, here are some take-aways:

  • Swift makes it easier to chain together methods than functions
  • …but methods are harder to reason about because of self
  • Generic operators like >>== make it easy to chain together functions that peal away a small part of the problem while maintaining structure like error handling
  • …but new operators should be created with caution, founded in the lessons of history

That’s enough for this time. This was a major turning point, but there are still a lot of things to cover. Until then, stop mutating. Evolve.

  1. In a later post we’ll discuss how flatten is insanely simple to implement with reduce. The fact that its so simple is probably the reason they didn’t bother to add flatten to stdlib. But I’m guessing. 

  2. I also have found it easy to type. I tried >>=- for a while and kept getting >>=0- when I was typing fast.